There are hundreds of published articles (or ‘mentions’) about Ted and/or TMD Knives, but perhaps no collection is more comprehensive and chronological than the six listed below. The first is an autobiography by Ted himself. Though a quick read, it is representative of the man who “could say so much, with so few words”, as attributed to him more than once by the authors below. The first of the articles was published in 1973 – ‘Gun Digest Book of Knives’, by B.R. Hughes. The second in 1974 – ‘Guns and Ammo Knives’, by Jon Lachuk. The third in 1999 – ‘Blade Magazine’, by Steve Shackleford. The fourth in 2012 – Billy Mace Imel’s posthumous ‘tribute’ to Ted. And the last, in 2020 – Mike Haskew’s ‘Blade Magazine – Past Masters’ article on Ted and Betty, the knives, and TMD’s growing legacy. These authors do a far better job of capturing everything about the man and his work than I could ever hope to do on my own.
So if you are interested in understanding the history and evolution of Ted and Betty, the knives, and the company, as told by leading industry authors, these are ‘must reads’ at some point.