Oct 24’ Thank you for coming to the TMD MARKETPLACE. We’re early in the implementation phase of this portion of the site, so please bear with us…
The process of shutting down the TMD Shop in Bend OR is under way. It has stood for the last 60+ years as the site of Ted Dowell’s early custom gunstock work, as well as his TMD Knives business. With Ted’s passing in 2012, and wife Betty’s in 2024, it’s time to pay the appropriate homage, and close the place down.
We’ve spent a great deal of time locating, detailing, photographing, researching, cataloging, and ultimately posting, everything of interest for anyone who wants to own a piece of history, from one of the acknowledged ‘Founding Fathers’ of the modern era of custom knifemaking. There ultimately will be over 500 items posted between now and the end of 2024, so please stop in regularly if you want to see the newest stuff as it becomes available.
In addition to the sale of the shop contents, we will be opening a “TMD Knives Only” section to buy, sell, trade, or consign any of the approximately 3,200 TMD knives that Ted made and sold. We expect this new area to be up and running, and stocked with an initial sampling of my personal TMD Collection of over 125 of dad’s knives, that I’ve amassed over the last four decades.
Hopefully, over time, lots of additional TMD’s from owners and collectors will make www.tmdknives.com their first stop when it comes to making and supporting a market for all things TMD. What better place than here to get all the essential historical materials and up-to-date facts. And having worked in dad’s shop for over a decade as a young man, I’m well suited to spot any of the numerous imitation Dowell knives that are floating around…. So if you, or someone you know, has any TMD’s they’d like to buy, sell or trade, please have them contact me at the email or phone number below.
Long term, I’ve set this site up to be operational and relevant well into the 21st century, so please join me in helping to make it the defacto place for all things TMD!